Friday, January 6, 2012

White people.

You always hear people of different races (other then whites) say "Oh I'm so ashamed of my race.. blah blah blah.." Well I'm white and I'm here to say I'm ashamed of MY race! Seriously people what is this 1920??! Get over yourselves for 3 seconds and realize it doesn't matter what ANYONE'S skin color is, white, black, green, yellow, or purple, we are ALL human beings! It seriously pisses me off when I see people judge others from their damn skin color! Who the fuck cares? Are they physically harming you in any way? No? well then fuck off you narrow minded freak. I've met sooo many people of different races since becoming an Army wife and let me tell ya... they are way nicer, kinder, and have a way bigger heart then most white people. I came from a small town where there was hardly any color other then white, and I love that my children are being raised around other races, they don't see skin color. They see people, human beings. And if you think after reading this I am a racists, get over your fucking self. I love black people. Hell I was just adopted by a black family. I LOVE YOU ROBERTS AND CLARK FAMILY!!!

The Skinny...

So as you all know I have a mouth and I like to use it. And no you pervert, not in that way. I like to talk and I'm very open about my thoughts, and I like to cuss. ALOT. This is basically my blog so if there is something I wrote to offend you, welp sorry bout cha, Your the one who decided to read it. I'm going to put what I want to put how I want to put it. So enjoy! :)